Brand Strategy Visual Identity Web Design
Ilisaqsivik is a community-led not-for-profit in Clyde River, Nunavut, on Baffin Island. Offering over 60 programs and initiatives, its mission is to encourage and support community wellness that respects traditional Inuit teachings. WE collaborated with Ilisaqsivik to develop a robust strategy and visual identity that reflects their past, present and future. Our research—which took us to Clyde River to experience Ilisaqsivik’s work firsthand—and strategy helped clarify their structure and led to a clear vision around which the organization could align. The thoughtful visual identity is rooted in the land, history and Inuit culture with a friendly and bold wordmark that mimics Inuktitut syllabics. A library of icons enables flexibility across various applications and audiences. WE worked closely with Indigenous artists to modernize Ilisaqsivik’s original emblem and ensure it maintained its essence and cultural significance.
- Brand Strategy: Amanda Happé
- Emblem: Valerie Enuaraq and Jordan Stranger
- Photography: Ilisaqsivik
- Type Foundry: Coppers and Brasses